23 research outputs found

    Generación de textos adaptativa a partir de una elección léxica basada en emociones

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    La generación automática de lenguaje natural es un tema muy amplio que abarca muchos sistemas, diferentes técnicas y diversos resultados. Cuando hablamos de generación de lenguaje natural nos referimos a la capacidad de traducir información no lingüística de entrada a la máquina, a un texto legible por humanos. Los sistemas desarrollados hasta el momento son capaces de generar dos tipos de textos. Los textos objetivos en los que se presenta información en un dominio concreto, por ejemplo, información metereológica, y los textos subjetivos en los que se generan historias donde la carga semántica aumenta mucho. En los textos objetivos, las connotaciones emocionales no influyen, ya que por ejemplo, para dar un informe sobre una máquina, la información es objetiva y no tiene carga emocional. Pero a la hora de generar historias, la carga emocional entra en juego e influye en la generación de los textos. No es lo mismo generar historias con carga emocional de tristeza que de euforia. Según el enfoque clásico, las etapas de un generador de textos son principalmente tres: la planificación del contenido, la planificación de las frases y la realización lingüística. La información emocional puede influir en distintas fases de las etapas de la generación de lenguaje, pero en la propuesta desarrollada en este trabajo, las connotaciones emocionales entran en juego en la fase de elección léxica, perteneciente a la etapa de planificación de frases de un generador. En este trabajo fin de máster, se presenta un nuevo módulo para la fase de elección léxica en el que a parte de recibir el término a lexicalizar, recibe información emocional. El módulo recibe como entrada el término y la información emocional, utilizando recursos léxicos y emocionales, genera como salida la opción léxica más apropiada. A la hora de elegir la opción léxica más apropiada para el término de entrada, se tiene en cuenta esa información emocional para conseguir una generación adaptativa. [ABSTRACT] Automatic Natural Language Generation is a very broad concept which covers many systems, different techniques and varying results. Natural Language Generation is a set of technologies and Artificial Intelligence models which try to translate non-liguistic information to human readable texts. Nowadays, NLG systems are able to generate two different kinds of texts: objective texts where information is presented in a specific scope and subjective texts from which stories are generated and semantic load is very important. Emotional connotations have no influence on objective texts. For example, to report about a machine, the information is objective and it has not semantic load. But when it is time to generate stories the semantic load has influence on the text generation. The main stages of a text generator are three: content planning, sentence planning and surface realizing. Emotional information can have influence on different phases of the Natural Language Generation but in the our approach, the semantic load has influence on the lexical choice phase belonging to the sentence planning stage of a generator. This work describes a new module for the lexical choice phase where inputs are the term and the semantic load. The inputs are the term and emotional information, using lexical and emotional resources, the module generates the most suitable lexical choice as output. When choosing the most suitable lexical choice to the input term, the semantic load is taken into account in order to achieve an adaptive generation

    SIOS-m: desarrollo y simulación de un sistema Inteligente orientado a servicios móviles

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    El proyecto SIOS-m ha consistido principalmente en la creación de una plataforma de simulación orientada a servicios móviles. Para el desarrollo de la plataforma más idónea ha sido necesaria una investigación previa de las tecnologías propias de estos servicios. Y, partiendo de esta base, construir una aplicación inteligente que sea capaz de centralizar el proceso de comunicación entre el usuario final y los servicios ofrecidos por el proveedor, adaptándose en cada caso a las necesidades del usuario. [ABSTRACT] The SIOS-m project has consisted primarily on the creation of a simulation platform oriented to mobile services. In order to develop the ideal platform for the project it has been necessary to perform a prior study of the technologies associated to these services and based on these studies, build an intelligent application. This application is capable of centralizing the Communication process between the end-user and the services offered by the service provider, and furthermore adapt itself to the needs of each user

    Technology, rurality and gender… false friends, but not enemies!

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    Guaranteeing gender equality in the access and use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) has become today a determining element in the achievement of food security and as a consequence of the achievement of rural development, which constitutes one of the goals of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). Indeed, the fight against digital gender gaps and other gaps in a general way allow a greater contribution in the agri-food sector, which is becoming increasingly digitized and technological. In fact, the objective of the study is to analyse the impact that have determined gaps, such as: force labour participation rate, literacy rate, pay rate and ICT study rate, on the participation rate gap in the agricultural sector. For this reason, a multiple linear regression is proposed that considers 64 countries and subsequently the situation of four of these countries is examined in more detail: France, Spain, Morocco and Algeria. The results of this show the existence of a positive correlation between our variables but also the effect that some socio-economic and cultural factors have on this achievement.post-print690 K

    Predictive Composition of Pictogram Messages for Users with Autism.

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    Communication is a basic need for every person. However, there are many people who present disabilities that prevent communication through natural language. Augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) systems, including those based on pictograms, attempt to facilitate the communication for people with this kind of difficulties. In this paper we present PictoEditor, an augmentative and alternative communication application for the composition of pictogram messages for users with autism that incorporates prediction functionalities. Although such functionalities have been widely studied in text-based augmentative and alternative communication tools, they have not been applied to pictogram based ones. The results show that prediction based on frequency of use of specific pictograms improves the immediate availability of the desired pictograms, but the improvement with prediction based on sequencing of pseudo-syntactic types of pictogram is not as clear.pre-print4500 K

    FRIDA, a Framework for Software Design, Applied in the Treatment of Children with Autistic Disorder.

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    The “FRIDA” framework is a guide for the agile development of accessible software for users with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), as a tool for strengthening emotional and social skills in the treatment of autism. It is based on the use of accessible software for the development of emotional and social skills, and designed with a focus on the user with intellectual disabilities. A mixed quasi-experimental study is carried out with three focus groups: children with ASD, expert therapists in ASD treatments and software designers adapting the Design Thinking model for the co-creation of the functional characteristics of the software and its use in therapies. The findings and results show that using FRIDA facilitates the agile design of accessible apps by reducing their development time by 94% and increasing their usability level by more than 90%. This facilitates the treatment of people with ASD, especially in the development of emotional self-recognition skills and social adaptation. The experience applied collaborative design thinking models and agile software design methodologies, articulating knowledge between software developers, therapists, and families of users with ASD. Users were characterized separately, and the functionalities required for the software that would be developed and linked in the treatment of autism were identified.post-print5958 K

    Is the Rural Population Caught in the Whirlwind of the Digital Divide?.

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    Technology represents a benchmark ally for today’s rural world and is a sine qua noncondition for achieving sustainable development. Indeed, today the arrival of digitization and information and communication tools makes life easier for the inhabitants of the rural world in general and for those who work in agriculture. However, not everyone has and knows how to use these technologies. There are very visible differences between the rural world and the urban one in the accessibility and use of technology, especially among vulnerable people (unemployed, elderly, women, etc.), causing a digital divide that reflects the great discrimination suffered by the rural world, full of stereotypes and very traditional role assignments. The objective of this study is to evaluate the differences in terms of access and use of technology. For this reason, the results of a survey carried out on the Spanish rural population have been analyzed with the structural equations tool “PLS-SEM”. They show digital gaps, as well as a disturbance between the different gaps and the socioeconomic situation of users, which imposes the need to take immediate measures to reduce and fight against this type of inequality.post-print883 K

    Closing the Digital Gender Gap among Foreign University Students: The Challenges Ahead.

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    In today’s world, new and advanced forms of technology are increasingly providing great changes in universities, thus generating new possibilities and impacting pedagogy and learning methodology. Unfortunately, not all students can use these tools in the same way and with the same ability. Not only are there digital gender gaps that limit women from enjoying these learning opportunities, but there are also digital gaps between foreign and natives’ students who have been trained in these technologies in their countries of origin, which impedes the achievement of the sustainable development goals planned for 2030. This study addresses theoretical foundations on the digital gender gap in university studies and provides an econometric analysis, through a simple linear regression, on the existence of a correlation between this digital gender gap and the university study gap by gender. A more specific analysis is also presented on the digital gender gap in the case of foreign students from four groups of countries, according to their income. The results show, on one hand, that differences in the access and use of technologies represent one of the factors that affects the percentage of graduates in higher education by gender; on the other, that there is a highly visible digital divide between countries with high income, compared to low- and lower-middle-income countries.post-print5221 K

    I.amAble: la ciencia (química) al alcance de toda la sociedad

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    En este proyecto de innovación, que nace con vocación de continuar en años sucesivos, se persigue mejorar la calidad de la formación de los estudiantes de la Facultad de Ciencias Químicas (F. CC.QQ.) en el ámbito de la docencia teórico-práctica y de la divulgación científica. El trabajo ha consistido en la preparación de unos experimentos prácticos para llevarlos a cabo en centros educativos no universitarios en los que se ha tenido en cuenta la participación conjunta de personas con y sin diversidad funcional, desde una perspectiva inclusiva colaborativa. Estas actividades las han realizado los estudiantes bajo la supervisión de profesores (PDI) y personal de administración y servicios (PAS). Los experimentos se han recogido en fichas didácticas para facilitar su desarrollo y aplicación por parte de otros usuarios. En estas fichas se explica detalladamente cómo realizar las experiencias en formato de taller. Las fichas de los talleres realizados están disponibles en una página web vinculada a la Universidad Complutense bajo el título I.amAble (iamable.ucm.es). Está página ha sido construida por un estudiante de la Facultad de Informática , bajo la supervisión de profesionales, tanto de esa facultad como del Instituto de Tecnología del Conocimiento, y está abierta a contribuciones similares de otras facultades y otras instituciones. La página web está diseñada de manera que resulte lo más intuitiva y accesible posible para todo tipo de público. Entre todos los experimentos se han elegido cuatro para llevarlos a la práctica en centros educativos como actividades inclusivas en las que han participado conjuntamente personas con y sin discapacidad. Con este proyecto se pretende mejorar la calidad docente al ofrecer a los estudiantes la posibilidad de aprender enseñando mediante una actividad semipresencial. El desarrollo por parte de los estudiantes de competencias transversales en educación y en divulgación de la ciencia facilitarán algunas salidas profesionales en el ámbito educativo formal (centros de enseñanza) o informal (museos, animación sociocultural). Otro aspecto importante a resaltar es la potenciación de la colaboración entre todos los miembros de la institución universitaria. Este proyecto pretende contribuir a la mejora de la cultura científica, así como al establecimiento de puentes entre la UCM y la sociedad a la que debe servir. Finalmente, es importante subrayar que incidirá en la inclusión de las personas con discapacidad como parte de la sociedad, a través del acercamiento compartido a la ciencia (Dimensiones de inclusión social y derechos de Schalock; NAVAS MACHO, P. y otros, 2012. Derechos de las personas con discapacidad intelectual: implicaciones de la Convención de Naciones Unidas. Siglo Cero. 43 (243): 7-28.)